Packaging helps to sell products, get the packaging right for the goods that you make and you’ll have items flying off the shelf. Choosing good packaging for your product can make all the difference and the design is the most complicated part of the process. Read this blog though for a few ideas and hopefully your packaging will be pretty perfect from now on.

  • Be dynamic: Take a bold stance when you are choosing packaging designs and don’t be afraid to break from convention. The more dynamic your packaging is the more chance it has of being noticed and the greater chance you have of increasing sales. Packaging looks best when it’s vibrant and full of appeal. So go for the dynamic approach when you are choosing packaging and steer clear of mainstream designs.
  • Think out of the box: Stick with convention when you are working on a packaging design and that won’t get you far. You have to be clever with packaging and think out of the bubble to achieve the best possible results. Look at your competitors’ packaging and see what styles they are using. Take this information and use it for your own advantage, try to be different and it’ll help your goods to stand out.  
  • Use different materials: Play around with different materials if you are looking for a new concept with packaging. Go for an innovative look using metal materials, try rigid board or polypropylene packages or what about blister packs instead? There’s plenty of scope for materials and they can really put your products in the limelight. Try to use different materials from that of your competitors and customers will be intrigued by what you have to sell.
  • Get support with the project: This is the best way to get your products noticed. Find a proven packaging manufacturer, like ourselves at Rombus Packaging, and let them work with you on the design. A good manufacturer will be able to give you advice about the packaging and this is the sure-fire way to get your goods noticed when they hit the retail shelves.